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3.8億美元($380 MILLION):因為關稅,僅開心果種植戶就遭受3.8億美元的損失。

27萬噸(270,000 TONS):2017年中國購買了華盛頓州27萬噸小麥。一年后下降為零。


5.45億美元($545 MILLION):2018年9月,僅鋼材和鋁材關稅就令美國公司損失5.45億美元。

就業風險增加(JOBS AT RISK):美國制造業工作的一半依賴于出口,因此,關稅將令美國成千上萬人失業。


科技行業(TECHNOLOGY) :幾乎每一個現代工業都依靠科技推動發展。對關鍵零部件征稅意味著技術價格增高,使企業在數字經濟方面的競爭變得步履維艱。當科技公司生產和投資越來越少,服務質量會隨之下降。


增高12億美元($1.2 BILLION INCREASE):對旅游產品加征關稅將會使度假休閑越來越昂貴,比如行李箱和手提包,每年將會增加消費者12億美元成本。

科技成本增高(COST INCREASES):如果科技公司在基礎設施方面喪失投資能力,則消費者將面臨互聯網和手機服務費用成本的增高。

工作崗位移遷他國(JOBS MOVE ABROAD):國內公司將把在美國國內生產設施遷移國外,以取代美國國內生產設施的組裝技術。



6月13日, 美國661家企業聯名上書特朗普,一致要求美國當局避免征收額外關稅,盡早與中國達成協議。





June 13, 2019

President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of the undersigned companies below and the millions of workers we employ, we are writing regarding the ongoing trade dispute between the U.S. and China. We agree that our trading partners must abide by global trade rules, and we support the administration’s efforts to address unfair trading practices, including intellectual property violations, forced technology transfer and more. We encourage the administration to negotiate a strong deal with China that addresses longstanding structural issues, improves U.S. global competitiveness and eliminates tariffs. We believe this goal can be achieved without taxing Americans.

We remain concerned about the escalation of tit-for-tat tariffs. We know firsthand that the additional tariffs will have a significant, negative and long-term impact on American businesses, farmers, families and the U.S. economy. Broadly applied tariffs are not an effective tool to change China’s unfair trade practices. Tariffs are taxes paid directly by U.S. companies, including those listed below— not China. According to Trade Partnership Worldwide LLC, 25 percent tariffs on an additional $300 billion in imports (combined with the impact of already implemented tariffs and retaliation) would result in the loss of more than 2 million U.S. jobs, add more than $2,000 in costs for the average American family of four and reduce the value of U.S. GDP by 1.0 percent. Furthermore, we have seen repeatedly that tariff increases and uncertainty around these trade negotiations have created turmoil in the markets, threatening our historic economic growth.

Mr. President, we support your efforts to hold our trading partners accountable, level the playing field for American businesses and forge enforceable trade agreements. We urge your administration to get back to the negotiating table while working with our allies to develop global, enforceable solutions. An escalated trade war is not in the country’s best interest, and both sides will lose. We are counting on you to force a positive resolution that removes the current tariffs, fosters American competitiveness, grows our economy and protects our workers and customers.


CC:     Ambassador Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative

Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Department of the Treasury

Secretary Wilbur Ross, Department of Commerce

Secretary Sonny Perdue, Department of Agriculture Director Larry Kudlow, National Economic Council

